1. Marijuana Penalties in Texas

    Marijuana in Texas So you hear that other states have legalized marijuana and wonder what the laws look like in Texas? Hopefully, this article will help you understand both the crimes associated with marijuana (marihuana in Texas) and the possible …Read More

  2. Child Support Modifications

     My Ex Claims She Didn’t Ask to Change My Child Support Payments – Is that true? Sometimes, yes. There are three ways child support modification can begin: both parents agree to the modification and submit a new order to the Attorney General’s…Read More

  3. Probate Alternative: Muniment of Title

    Probate or Muniment of Title? Contrary to popular belief, the traditional probate process in Texas is relatively easy. However, Texas also offers an even less complicated manner of disposing the estate of a loved one after he or she passes.  Unique …Read More

  4. Felony Indictments – April 30, 2014

    IN THE 54TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 30TH day of APRIL, 2014 the Grand Jurors for the JANUARY, 2014 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their duties,…Read More

  5. Juvenile vs. Adult – When Minors Break The Law

    Children. They can be the apple of a parent’s eye or a parent’s pride and joy. However, some children push the boundaries that parents set, even going as far as breaking the law. If a child, who is considered a minor, is charged with a crime, he…Read More

  6. DWI in Texas

    Under Texas law, driving while intoxicated is defined as driving a vehicle while drunk on alcohol, or under the influence of drugs. It is a criminal offense and for the most part, the law provides specific blood alcohol concentrations, which are deem…Read More

  7. Felony Indictments – April 16, 2014

    IN THE 54TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 16TH day of APRIL, 2014 the Grand Jurors for the JANUARY, 2014 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their duties,…Read More

  8. Felony Indictments – April 2, 2014

    IN THE 54TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 2ND day of APRIL, 2014 the Grand Jurors for the APRIL, 2014 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their duties, ca…Read More