1. Felony Indictments – September 30, 2015

    IN THE 19TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 30th day of SEPTEMBER, 2015 the Grand Jurors for the JULY, 2015 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their …Read More

  2. Felony Indictments – September 16, 2015

    IN THE 19TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 16th day of SEPTEMBER, 2015 the Grand Jurors for the JULY, 2015 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their …Read More

  3. Felony Indictments – September 2, 2015

    IN THE 19TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF McLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS   On this the 2nd day of SEPTEMBER, 2015 the Grand Jurors for the JULY, 2015 Term of the above named Court, having heretofore been retired to enter upon the discharge of their d…Read More

  4. Planning Your Estate – Why is it Important?

    Planning Your Estate - Why is it Important? Many people have heard of estate planning, but don’t actually know very much about it, or understand how they could benefit from it. Estate planning is about conserving assets and protecting family wealth…Read More

  5. Happy Independence Day

    Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence ? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned.
… Two lost their so…Read More

  6. Warrantless Searches – An Atrocity

    Warrantless Searches And Your Constitutional Rights Everyone is familiar with the idea of needing a warrant before police can search a person’s property. Portrayed on television, viewers see police officers and prosecutors arguing about whether the…Read More

  7. Estate Planning

    Estate Planning in Texas Protecting your assets while achieving you and your families’ personal financial goals is a big part of estate planning. Estate planning is important for making sure that your assets and property are transferred to the peop…Read More

  8. MIP and Floating Down the River

    MIP - Floating the River and What You Should Know During the summer months, outdoor activities surrounding the water are very popular for families, teenagers, and college students. With the increased activity, law enforcement (including game wardens)…Read More

  9. Wills: Why Do I Need One?

    When a loved one or relative dies it can be a very sad and difficult time for everyone involved.  Things can get complicated very quickly if the deceased person did not leave a valid will.  The death of someone close to us is usually an infrequent …Read More